Mango Mousse Cake

Every girl loves fairy tales. Prince, princesses, kings and queens! I enjoyed them too in my childhood. Kids always try to relate stories to reality. Every time I would close my eyes to look for the 'king' I would only see my father. He has always been the king of the house for me. Fathers and daughters have a very special bond. My husband is away for work and our daughter misses him dearly. Every time he comes on leave I have to prepare her mentally that he has to go back after few days. But whether he is with us at home or away he will always be her 'King'. 
Fathers Day is just around the corner. So what better way to celebrate it but with the 'King of Fruits' itself? Yes, I am referring to Mangoes! I am yet to meet a person who doesn't love this absolutely delicious fruit. 
Mango Mousse cake is a refreshing dessert. It's an easy preparation and it's subtle mango flavour will stay in ones mind for a long time. 
For this recipe I have used a spring form tin but a loose bottomed baking tin can also be used. Before beating the cream to form stiff peaks, keep the container you would use in the freezer for 10-15 mins. Cream gets thickened faster if it is absolutely cold. So chill the cream overnight for best results. To dissolve the gelatin after it has bloomed, use a double boiler. 


For the base:
Powdered Sugar - 5 tbsp
Milk Powder - 5 tbsp
Butter - 4 tbsp
Warm water - 2 tbsp
Digestive Biscuits - 200 gms

For the mousse:
Cream - 1 cup
Mango pulp - 1 cup
Powdered Sugar - 3/4 cup
Mango/Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp
Mango Juice - 1/2 cup + 6 tsp
Gelatin - 3 tsp
Lemon Juice - 1 tbsp

1. Warm 6 tsp of mango juice and sprinkle gelatin on it. Set it aside to bloom.
2. Crush the biscuits and mix in the butter, powdered sugar and milk powder.
3. Add 1-2 tbsp warm water to bring the mix together.
4. Put the biscuit mix in the tin and press it down with a spoon. Don't cover the sides.
5. Refrigerate the tin so that the base sets.
6. Beat the cream along with the sugar and essence till it gets thickened. 
7. Dissolve gelatin.
8. In the cream add the mango pulp, remaining mango juice, lemon juice and gelatin and mix well.
9. Pour the mixture on top of the base. 
10. Cover the tin with a cling film and keep it in refrigerator to set.
11. Use mango slices and whipped cream to decorate.


  1. i am a great fan of your work hope you can take some classes


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