I am not a 'very crunchy cookie' person. I like my cookies to be crunchy yet soft. Snickerdoodles are these absolutely delicious cookies with a soft texture on the outside and an almost cake like texture on the inside. They are also known as Sugar and Cinnamon Cookies  because they are rolled in sugar and cinnamon which gives is a very gentle cinnamon flavour.
 The recipe that I am using is from Joy of Baking. The original recipe uses granulated white sugar. However, in India the sugar granules are fairly big and don't get mixed in properly. So, I have used store bought castor sugar instead. 
Trust me, once the cookies are out of the oven you won't be able to wait to eat them. So why wait now??? Happy Baking!!


All purpose Flour - 2 3/4 cups
Eggs - 2 large
Baking Powder - 2 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Castor sugar - 1 1/2 cups (300 gms)
Unsalted butter - 1 cup (at room temp) You could use salted butter as well.
Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp 

Castor sugar - 1/3 cup
Ground Cinnamon - 2 tsp 

1. In a large bowl mix flour, salt and baking powder.
2. In another bowl, using a hand mixer, mix butter and sugar until smooth. For around 2-3 mins.
3. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. 
4. Scrape the sides and mix again.
5. Add vanilla essence.
6. Add flour mixture and beat until you have a smooth dough. If the dough is soft, cover and refrigerate until firm. Around 1-2 hours.
7. Preheat oven to 190 degrees and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. 
8. Shape the dough to 1 inch round balls.
9. Mix the coating mixture and coat the balls with it.
10. Place on the prepared baking sheets keeping some distance between two cookies.
11. Using the bottom of a glass gently flatten each cookie to about 1/2 inch thickness. 
12. Bake for 8-10 mins or until they are light golden brown and firm around the edges.
13. Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool. 
14. These can be stored in an airtight container for 10-14 days.
