How to Freeze Strawberries

From my previous post it's quite evident what a wonderful fruit strawberries are. There is nothing like having them fresh but what to do when they are not available? In India, strawberries are available only in February and march and the rest of the year they are expensive and also not readily available. 
So what if you decide to bake a strawberry upside down cake in June? Where will you get the berries from or would you buy tinned filling? We army wives live at such locations where getting strawberries off season and getting tinned filling are difficult. 
So here's my solution... freeze them while it's readily available and cheap. Here's how...


1. Remove the leaves of strawberries and wash them thoroughly.
2. Keep them in a strainer for sometime so that the excess water drains off.
3. Place them on a newspaper or parchment paper in a way that they don't touch each other and let them dry in shade.
4. Once dried, place parchment paper in the freezer and put the berries on it keeping distance between two berries.
5. Freeze like so for an hour.
6. Transfer the frozen strawberries to ziplock bags and keep in freezer.

Freezing the strawberries separately first ensures that they will not stick to each other when placed in bags.

So wasn't that easy peasy! So the next time your little one asks you for 'S' for Strawberries you won't have to go out to buy them. Just open your freezer, thaw the strawberries and enjoy the beautiful smile on your kid's face!


  1. Vow shokhi...i m surely gonna do it fr myself as wel..thanks fr sharing


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