Quick Tiffin Idea— Eggs and Cottage Cheese Sandwich

One of the most tedious and mind boggling task for me is preparing lunch boxes early in the morning. Just a month back my younger one also started going to school. Until then I had to consider only my daughter’s food likings but now it’s got tough! 

I like to incorporate something wholesome in the tiffins. These egg sandwiches are really liked by both of them and adding an extra banana along with the sandwiches fills up their tummy. 

Its always preferable to use fresh breads because they soft and don’t require any trimming of the sides. I don’t believe in wasting it.. the more the better! 
Hard boil the eggs.. 1 egg per sandwich.. cool, peel the shell and cut in slices.
Spread Sandwich spread of your liking on one bread slice and tomato ketchup on the other. Place the sliced eggs on one bread slice. Season with salt and pepper.
Grate fresh cottage cheese generously over the eggs. 
Cover with the other slice of bread.
You can grill it if you wish to. 
Cut the sandwich in half. Wrap it in cling wrap. 
